Summer 2018: Featured Stories

E-Procurement 1: IAOP PULSE Outsourcing Magazine
Arbitrage-First Procurement Is (or should be) Dead… Long Live Digital Procurement: How Using Technology in Buying Decisions Can Add Greater Value   READ MORE
Nearshore 1: IAOP PULSE Outsourcing Magazine
Nearshore Providers Deliver Agility in the Age of Digital Transformation  READ MORE
Egypt 1: IAOP PULSE Outsourcing Magazine
Regional Site Tracker – Egypt: Changing the World’s Perception, from Being the Home of History Toward a Nation with Competitive Edge  READ MORE
Marko Kovacevic: IAOP PULSE Outsourcing Magazine
View from the C-Suite: Marko Kovacevic Makes Things Happen  READ MORE
Artificial Intelligence 1: IAOP PULSE Outsourcing Magazine
Artificial Intelligence Drives Outcomes in Business Process  READ MORE
GDPR Compliance: IAOP PULSE Outsourcing Magazine
5 Steps to Becoming GDPR Compliant

With the new General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR) now in effect in the European Union, discussions on how to achieve compliance are some of the hottest topics right now. Intetics shares its experiences on being fully compliant with the new privacy laws. A worldwide impact on how companies will handle data protection…

GDPR: IAOP PULSE Outsourcing Magazine
EOS18 Spotlight: Outsourcing in the Days of GDPR

Punit Bhatia, Privacy and Protection Officer for ING Bank, will be speaking at EOS18, June 11-13 at the Marriott Brussels, Belgium, on Outsourcing in the Days of GDPR. A privacy and sourcing specialist with more than 18 years of experience, he is the author of “Be Ready for GDPR: Let Us Check Your Readiness for General Data Protection Regulation.”

Sitel Ad - IAOP PULSE Outsourcing Magazine
Women Empowerment, Inclusion, Diversity: IAOP PULSE Outsourcing Magazine
Viewpoints from IAOP’s Women Empowerment Chapter

IAOP started the important conversation about promoting greater diversity in the industry by launching its Women Empowerment (WE) Chapter in 2017.  Since then, the chapter has evolved to expand its focus on the importance of inclusion.

Global Impact Sourcing Award: IAOP PULSE Outsourcing Magazine
Celebrating Global Impact Sourcing Award Winners

Celebrate inaugural Global Impact Sourcing Award winners — recognizing emerging pioneers to larger providers and customers as well as influencing advisor organizations for impacting local communities by creating jobs in the BPO industry in underserved areas.

Research Corner HP: IAOP PULSE Outsourcing Magazine

As Learned at OWS18


OWS18 Findings Revealed on Client Service Automation Deployments — What Do They Mean for Your Job and Organization?


Trend Watching by COPS at OWS18: Cyber-Attacks Among Top Concerns by Certified Outsourcing Professionals (COPs)

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