PULSE 2019 Summer Edition

Intelligent Automation: Game Changer for Business Operations
View from the C-Suite: Sapience CEO Brad Killinger
AI Skills for Your Next RPA Project
Six Benefits of Transitioning to a Product-Led Organization
Africa: Global Players No Longer Staying Away
South Africa: Impact Sourcing Fuels GBS Growth
Women Leaders Leave Their Mark
The Clash of the Contingent Workforce
Global Impact Sourcing Award (GISA) Winners
Transparency Outside and Inside an Organization
Pulse Check: Healthcare Delivery Transformation
OWS19 Transforms and Inspires Global Attendees
And More!

Featured Stories

Intelligent Automation – A Game Changer for Business Operations

Putting the client at the heart of all activities is likely to further stimulate the erosion of organizational silos around the front, middle and back office. This will lead to the emergence of new, borderless, client-centric organizations that optimize the way value creation is executed. Read More.

The Clash of Contingent Workforce Managed Service Providers and Procurement Outsourcing BPOs

Driven by an increasing need for organizations to fill talent gaps, coupled with changing workforce expectations, the contingent workforce has grown rapidly – to the point that it has become a key constituent of the overall workforce. Read More.

What AI Skills Does Your Organization Need for Your Next RPA Project?

Business process outsourcing (BPO) and Shared Service Center (SSC) organizations have been instrumental in migrating companies to automating processes and introducing them to artificial intelligence capabilities. Read More.

View from the C-Suite: Sapience CEO Brad Killinger

PULSE talked with Brad Killinger, CEO of Sapience Analytics, about the powerful information big data can provide for companies and their workforce today. Read on for more from Brad Killinger about this fast-growth area. Killinger is responsible for the execution of the company’s global strategy and growth. Under his leadership, he has helped propel Sapience Analytics to achieve significant growth over the last two years. Read More.

Women Leaders Leave Their Mark: IAOP Members Share their Views about Female Supervisors

Great leaders stay with us long after we’ve gone onto new jobs or different careers. Like good teachers in school or professors that leave a lasting impression, the qualities and examples they demonstrate meld and shape us. The best ones make us better. Often these outstanding leaders are women who inspire and influence male employees or colleagues. Read More.

Six Benefits of Transitioning to a Product-Led Organization

What comes to mind when you hear popular phrases such as “digital transformation” or “agile this” or “lean that?” If you’re like many of today’s business and technology leaders, you know these phrases can do more harm than good simply because they mean so many different things to different people. There isn’t a singular approach to any transformation… Read More.

Regional Site Tracker: Africa

South Africa: Impact Sourcing Fuels Global Business Services (GBS) Growth – Empathy of South African Youth is the Secret Ingredient

With unemployment rates in South Africa exceeding 28 percent, creating work experiences and, ultimately, permanent new jobs for excluded youth is a national imperative. Impact Sourcing is helping to provide a solution and opportunities for future growth. Read more.

Africa: Global players no longer staying away over political stability concerns, technology limitations or health-related matters.

For ages, Africa was described as a dark continent but that term does not fit anymore. With the backing of various funding bodies, the majority of countries are actively racing for development to reach the pace of the rest of the world. Read more.

Global Impact Sourcing Award (GISA) Winners

GISA Winner in a Provider Organization: RuralShores (Read more)

GISA Winner for Impact Sourcing in a Purchasing Organization: Intuit (Read more)

GISA Winner in a Provider Organization: Samasource (Read more)

GISA Impact Sourcing Influencer: Harambee Youth Employment Accelerator (Read more)

Transparency Outside and Inside an Organization

In the business world, transparency is the main word to indicate openness, trust and cooperation. When a company is looking for a partner, the one with the most transparent policy will win the race. Read more.

Pulse Check: Healthcare Delivery Transformation

Health plans and health systems such as hospitals, physicians’ offices and urgent care centers are turning to outsourcing partners to handle critical processes to compete and thrive in the changing market. Read more.

OWS19 Transforms and Inspires Global Attendees

OWS19 sparked transformation, collaboration and inspiration for the hundreds of industry leaders from around the globe who convened for IAOP’s annual Summit. Attendees learned from engaging thought leaders, tackled pressing issues together, established and renewed relationships, and left armed with new tools and know-how to tackle the challenges that lie ahead.


The role of digital technologies was a key theme throughout OWS19 and the powerful program provided the insights for the professionals to put together the pieces of their own digital transformation puzzle.


Keynote sessions included presentations from Andy Walter, HCL, Manchester United, WeWork, the state of Georgia and its Technology Authority and Cyber Center, Neo Group, among others. Read more.

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